ACTUATE - Fortbildung für sicheres, wirtschaftliches Fahren elektrisch betriebener Fahrzeuge

Das von der EU geförderte ACTUATE-Projekt wurde zwischen Mai 2012 und Januar 2015 durchgeführt und gilt nun formell als abgeschlossen. Die Webseite wird allerdings weiterhin aktiv bleiben und es ist jederzeit möglich wertvolle Unterlagen herunterzuladen, um die Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse des Projektes zu betrachten. Auch das Schulungsmaterial sowie die Ausbildungsunterlagen für Bus- und Strassenbahnführer können kostenlos weiterverwendet werden. Diese wurden von den internationalen Projektpartnern aufwändig erstellt und in verschiedenen Lehrgängen sehr erfolgreich angewendet. Ziel des ACTUATE-Projektes war es, durch praktische Recherche und aktive Anwendung den Energieverbrauch in umweltfreundlichen Fahrzeugen des öffentlichen Verkehrs zu reduzieren. Die vom Projekt erstellten Unterlagen können also jedem interessierten Verkehrsbetrieb langfristig als Anleitung dienen, um in sauberen Fahrzeugen wie Trolleybussen, Hybrid-Bussen oder Strassenbahnen durch einen ökofreundlichen Fahrstil viel Energie zu sparen. Damit lassen sich auch die Betriebskosten nachhaltig senken.

Für weitere Informationen zum Projekt oder dessen Erkenntnissen, steht der Projektkoordinator jederzeit zur Verfügung. Bitte verwenden Sie dazu die Kontaktseite. 

Letzte Neuigkeiten


Driver Advice tests on modern double-decker KISS trains


The amount of energy which can be saved by using driver advisory systems depends heavily on infrastructure, timetable, rolling stock, operating conditions - and above all on the level of experience of the drivers. Therefore, the German railway undertaking Ostdeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft (ODEG) has started a trial with of the advisory system "InLineFAS". The trial takes place on...Mehr...


ACTUATE’s Mid-Term Partner Meeting and Knowledge Exchange with Experts in Salzburg,

On 11 and 12 December 2013 the ACTUATE consortium came together for a successful mid-term partner meeting in Salzburg, Austria. In addition, external experts from other EU-funded projects in the field of professional driver training participated in an ACTUATE meeting and contributed to a vivid discussion and inspiring knowledge exchange.  After a short welcome note by the host Salzburg AG,...Mehr...


E-Cars: cold temperatures have measurable effect on battery range – but so does the driving style

A Canadian app developer has conducted thousands of test drives with the all-electric Nissan Leaf to examine the influence of cold temperatures on the range. No doubt, cold temperatures have a measurable negative effect on the range of an electric vehicle. More surprising however is the effect of the driving style on battery range. While the average range during the test rides at 0° C was 102 km,...Mehr...


With perfect vehicle control: Bus driver from Duisburg wins title at skill driving contest

Obviously safe eco-driving is not only an important when driving clean vehicles, but also for conventionally fuelled buses in public transport. Also, safe eco-driving has more to it than saving energy or fuel – it also about safety. Salvatore Vancardo, an active bus driver of Duisburg’s public transport operator DVG (Duisburger Verkehrsgesellschaft AG), has proven he is among the best drivers in...Mehr...


Thousands of litres of gas saved by Bottrop’s garbage collection trucks

Bottrop’s municipal waste management and city cleaning company (BEST) is now using a driver assistance system in 42 vehicles now. The systems alerts the driver if fuel consumption rises above a predetermined threshold. Thereby BEST not only intends to significantly cut down fuel consumption but also to make a positive contribution to the protection of the environment. Once the systems are...Mehr...


A pilot project of assisted fuel efficient driving in regional rail transport

Driver Advisory Systems (DAS) are shortterm solution to reduce fuel consumption of diesel-hauled trains. The system "InLine-FAS" was successfully tested on the regional network of Veolia Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH. The articles describes the data requirements for such a test and the operational setting under which the system was applied. The pilot was carried out without the need to access...Mehr...


Eco-Driving Day in China

Not only in the European Union, but also in Asia and worldwide Eco-Driving is an important issue in reducing the ecological footprint and increasing energy efficiency. During the national Energy-Saving Publicity Week in China, Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) conducted an eco-driving training for truck drivers together with the Jiangsu Transport Administration Bureau...Mehr...

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